Microscopic Worm Food
Microorganisms in the worm bin break down the decomposing food waste and also become worm food. These microbes feed on decaying organic matter and each other, forming a complex, microscopic ecosystem called the soil food-web. This system occurs in the worm bin as well as in the soil itself.
Without the creation of these organisms, the world would soon be buried in litter; nothing (apple cores, leaves, manures, dead trees, etc.) would decompose. Most are decomposers that consume simple carbon compounds from fresh plant litter. As bacteria simplify the organic matter they make it available to earthworms and other organisms in the system. Some microbes, especially bacteria, produce antibiotics which cover the surface of the crop and thus prevent infection by pathogens. Oregon State University Corvallis. ![]() ![]() J.P. Martin, et al.,eds. SSSA, Madison, WI FUNGI
Fungi are microscopic cells that usually grow as long threads or strands called hyphae. The hyphae insert directly into the plant roots, greatly extending the plant's ability for nutrient uptake, respiration, tolerance to weather extremes and conferring some disease resistance. Along with bacteria, fungi are important as decomposers. They convert hard-to-digest organic material into forms that other organisms can use and usable worm food for the Red Wigglers. J.P. Martin, et al., eds. SSSA, Madison WI
They are also responsible for immobilizing and releasing of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and other nutrients, creating a kind of slow release system which prevents nutrients from leaching and preserves them for plant use.
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