Drying Worm Compost for Harvesting

by Gail

Hi, thanks for a great site! I would love some info on efficient harvesting of castings. I have a huge bin (picture a 50-gallon drum!) and castings are probably wetter than they should be --I can work on a better drain system but still hard to get the castings garden-ready. If I dry them out they turn into a brick! Any ideas would be great.

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Feb 15, 2012
Don't let your compost dry out
by: Sierra Worm Compost

The answer is not to let the compost dry out completely. After removing the worms, we spread the compost on a concrete slab and rake it over a couple times during the day for about 2-3 days depending on the weather (the warmer the weather, the less time it takes).

By raking it, the bottom portion gets exposed and the top gets turned so it does not dry completely. The concrete absorbs a lot of the moisture and we get a much better screening.

Watching your feedstock(and the moisture in it) goes a long way in the bin not becoming too wet. Undeniably, it is a balancing act.

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